CAFE trees and this application is an application that visitor user of Long Stay was made like that allows the entry and exit to the smart.
CAFE木と本アプリは、ロングステイのビジターユーザーがスマートに入退室を行える様作られたアプリです。ユーザーはQRコードを1回読むと入室処理が始まり、再度読み込むと退室処理が行われます。その時に利用時間及び料金が表示されます。CAFE trees and this app is a app that visitor user of Long Stay was made like that allows the entry and exit to the smart.The user begins entering processing and read once a QR code, will be performed leaving processing and read again. Time and fee use will appear at that time.・軽微なバグの修正